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The main difference between these models is the connection of the base station to the drain system and water line. Because of that, the base station is compact and can be integrated into the cupboard (28 cm ultra-compact base station). With such connections, you do not need to fill and empty clean and dirty water tanks in the base station.
The other characteristics of vacuum and mop are mainly the same. If you cannot connect to these lines, please do not consider buying the Dreame X40 Master. By the way, Dreame X40 Ultra can also be connected to the water refill and drain lines, but the hookup kit should be purchased separately.
To remove the battery from Dreame X40 Ultra, you need to turn off the robot and remove the plastic cover. The cover is fixed on five screws. Before removing the cover, do not forget to put away the brush guard, side brush, and the main brush. When you remove the cover, you will see the blue battery. The battery is connected to the robot via a special connector with wires, which are removed gently with the battery. After that, you can install a new battery and put back the cover, brush guard, and brushes. The whole procedure takes not more than 5 minutes.
The Manufacturer recommends manually cleaning the filter every two weeks and replacing it every three to six weeks. New filters can be purchased on the manufacturer's official website or different marketplaces.
This button is located on the back in the upper part near the reserved slot for connection to the water. The back part is another part of the base station where the robot is approaching for cleaning and charging. The robot's power button is located on top of it. Three buttons are located on the top, and the power button is located in the middle. You need to press it for 3 seconds to turn off the robot. The same button is also used to start cleaning in auto mode when the robot is on.
Yes, you can. On the official website, all manuals, including those for Dreame X40 Master and X40 Ultra, are available for downloading. It is the same electronic version as the printed version that comes with the robot.
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