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The shape of the robots impacts the floor coverage and accessibility of narrow passages, meaning this matters for cleaning efficiency. Round vacuums like Roomba Combo j9+ can easily rotate and navigate around obstacles, while square robots like Deebot X2 can reach the walls and edges closer and are better for a house with many corners.
Square cleaners cover more area during one pass, but the round vacuums maintain better suction power and balance. So, there are pros and cons to each shape of the robotic vacuum cleaner.
Modern dust bags and containers are sealed safely to prevent the growth of bacteria, mold, and odors. But if your robot has collected moist dust or any other smelly contents, we do not recommend waiting until you receive the signal that you need to clean or throw away the dust bag.
First of all, Roomba j9+ is a suction-only vacuum cleaner; Roomba Combo j9+ can mop and vacuum with one vibration mopping pad. My research has shown that two rotating pads are more efficient in mopping; as they cover more areas, the robot is constantly moving, and the dirt agitates better.
The robot with one cleaning pad moves slower, but they miss scrubbing rotating movement to deal with tough mess. I also can see that most of the high-end vacuum cleaners have two mopping pads. As the Roomba j9+ has no mopping functionality at all, the Deebot X2 Omni anyway is a better choice. Also, the Deebot X2 Omni, in my opinion, is even better than the Roomba Combo j9+.
The Deebot X2 Omni has many sensors, especially on the front bumper. The RGBD sensor detects obstacles higher than 1.5 inches. If they are smaller, the Deebot can softly touch the obstacle and then turn. If the object is higher than 1.5 inches, the signal is sent to the Deebot’s brain, and the robot slows down and changes direction for a new cleaning path. The X2 Omni uses AI to analyze signals.
All Roomba models plus mean that the robot comes with a docking station. The functionality of such a station could be different, but it could be more than charging. It could be a self-emptying and dust storage function like Roombo j9+. For example, the iRobot Combo 10 Max docking station can also automatically wash and dry the mopping pads and refill the water tank.
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