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There is no recommendation on the size of the dustbin or dust bag; it depends on how the dust is stored (if there is a feature of dust compression). It is good when dust can be stored for three months or longer. Normally, for such storage time, the dust bin has a capacity of 4-4.5 L. The dust bin could be of two types: sealed dust bags that should be thrown away when they are full or plastic that should be emptied and cleaned for the next usage.
The function of multi-floor mapping does not mean that the robot creates maps only from different floors. If you have not connected rooms on one floor or you want to combine rooms in specific scenarios, you can create several maps and switch between them when necessary. Dreame and Roomba Combo support up to 5 maps that you can customize by adding no-go zones.
This is the mopping pad, which is lifted above the robot to prevent carpets from getting wet. The mopping pad is equipped with a retractable mop arm that is activated on carpets. So, the mopping pad is lifted about 4 inches higher than the robot.
The Combo 10 does not have a separate tank for cleaning solutions. You need to manually add the corresponding amount of solution to the clean water tank in the dock station. It is recommended to use not more than half of the bottle of a special iRobot Braava Jet solution for hard floors. Please be careful when using other cleaning solutions, as they may cause extreme foaming in the docking station and damage. Also, do not use vinegar with water or hot water for cleaning.
The battery life of Roomba Combo 10 Max is determined by its relatively small battery capacity—4200 mAh. But do not worry—if 120 minutes is not enough to clean your house, the robot will automatically recharge and resume cleaning afterward. During charging, the water tank will be refilled, the dust will be emptied, and the mopping pads will be washed and dried.
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