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Many manufacturers regularly sell old models. Considering the release of Roomba Combo 10 Max, the price of Roomba Combo j9+ decreased significantly. Moreover, Roborock S8 Pro Ultra is more advanced in terms of a more functional base station and reactive 3D Obstacle avoidance, which is why the price of this robot is higher. Nevertheless, now is a good time to purchase the Roomba Combo j9+ as it is a good vacuum and mop cleaner with good suction power.
Roomba Combo j9+ and Roborock S8 Pro Ultra are mop and vacuum cleaners. That means the robot should lift the mopping pad to prevent it from getting wet. For this function, they use infrared sensors on the bumper to react quickly to a change in floor type. Also, the most advanced robots can detect different types of hard floors—tiles or laminate—to adjust the water level for cleaning.
Roomba Combo j9+ works with two frequency bands, 2.4 or 5 Hz, while Roborock S8 Pro Ultra only works with 2.4 Hz. In the connection settings, you may check the available frequency band using other connected devices—smartphone or computer—. The robots work perfectly with any of these frequency bands, but in general, 5Hz provides faster speeds.
Yes, this is true. You may start a cleaning cycle, change settings, pause, or start the spot cleaning by voice if necessary.
I prefer models with the possibility of simultaneous vacuuming and mopping. This combined cleaning offers better results and removes all types of dirt and dust. I feel the floor is fresher after such a cleaning cycle. However, it is still recommended to do a manual cleaning after the robot routine.
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