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Yes, you are right. The base station of both robot vacuums can charge the robots. Roomba Combo j9+ and j9+ can also empty dust and store it for 60 days, while only the base station of Combo j9+ refills the water tank for 30 days. Roomba Combo 10 Max is equipped with a base station that can wash and dry the mopping pad in addition to the previously mentioned functions.
The cleaning schedule should be determined based on your habits and the number of people and pets in your house. Roomba j9+ and Combo j9+ work with easy-to-use apps that analyze your routine, propose enhanced cleaning routes, and provide seasonal suggestions. They can even propose cleaning while away. I recommend starting a cleaning routine every day of highly visited areas like the kitchen, living room, and halls. Bedrooms can be cleaned once every two or three days.
The anti-tangling technology of Roomba Combo j9+ is executed by two dual multi-surface rubber brushes, which rotate in different directions, ensuring hair removal and detangling. Roomba j9+ has the same dual brushes, which are also designed with a special angle of rubber fins to minimize hair tangling.
The full functionality is available only from the mobile app. Roomba Combo j9+ has only one clean button that can be used to start/pause/resume, or end a cleaning job. On its base station, there is a button for auto-cleaning the docking station and the robot. Roomba j9+ has the same button to start/pause/resume and end cleaning, but there are no buttons on its base station.
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